2025 Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering

  • Limited
  • Anywhere
  • February 14, 2025

Website David & Lucile Packard Foundation

About the Program

The Packard Fellows program is for highly creative young faculty researchers in the natural, physical sciences and engineering during their first three years as faculty. According to the Foundation, Packard Fellows are inquisitive, passionate scientists and engineers who take a creative approach to their research, dare to think big, and follow new ideas wherever they lead. The Foundation emphasizes support for innovative PI-led research rather than extensions or components of large-scale, ongoing research programs.

Up to twenty recipients will receive individual grants of $875,000 over five years.


Candidates must be faculty members who are eligible to serve as principal investigators and are in the first three years of their faculty careers: that is, whose initial faculty appointments began no earlier than May 31, 2022, and no later than May 31, 2025. Eligible disciplines: physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, computer science, earth science, ocean science, and all branches of engineering.

Internal Application Process

UCI may submit only two nominations; therefore, interested applicants should (via the UCI Review application system) submit the following by Thursday, February 14, 2025:

  • Two Page Research Statement consistent with Packard’s Guidelines (12 point font; 1-inch margins; 1400 words max including figure legends and references that can be included on a third page).
  • Brief curriculum vita (up to 3 pages) including a list of publications in which independent contributions are identified,
  • Letters of Support: Reference letters are heavily weighted in this competition (letters are read before the research description). Please provide the name, title, and institution of the 3 individuals—external to UCI—who you would ask to submit letters of recommendation on your behalf. One letter must be from a person who has had no supervisory or collaborative contact with the Please include a sentence or two explaining why each referee will be the best person to provide a strong reference letter for you. This list is not binding but is an important piece of the review process.

An ad hoc committee will be convened to review the internal applications. The campus must submit nominations by March 15, 2025, and the selected campus nominees will be notified prior to this deadline. The complete application packet is due to Packard on April 20, 2025.

Please review last year’s awardees and the Fellows Advisory Committee members. The full Packard guidelines are available for reference online here.

Questions about the internal campus review process can be directed to Mike Gallo, Director of Research Development at, “magallo@uci.edu“, and questions regarding the Packard funding priorities can be directed to Marianne Smith at, “mrsmith1@uci.edu“.

To apply for this funding opportunity please visit uci.infoready4.com.

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