What is this site about?

fundopp.uci.edu features:

Limited Funding

“Limiteds” are externally sponsored grants that require an internal selection process because the sponsor limits the number of applications that can be submitted by UCI.

Internal Funding

As the name implies, these are grants internal to UCI because they are offered by a UCI unit to UCI personnel.

Funding Search

Can’t get funding if you can’t find funding! Learn about funding search tools available to UCI Faculty, Staff and Students.

Grant Writing

Knowing how to navigate the grant writing process is critical to success, so we’ve put together some resources to help.

Proposal Submission

OK, so you found a funding opportunity?  Now what?  Find out how to prepare a proposal for submission here at UCI.

Directory of UCI Research Development Professionals

This site features a directory of UCI Research Development and related professionals. Find out who they are and how they can help!

Find Funding with Pivot®

Pivot Logo

Pivot provides a comprehensive database of funding opportunities worldwide and across all disciplines, as well as a flexible portfolio of tools to support research collaborations. Individual users can perform funding searches, create their own weekly email funding alert, save lists of funding opportunities, search for potential research colleagues on- or off-campus and match profiles to funding opportunities.

*For initial access to Pivot you must be on the UCI network (i.e. either on campus or through VPN). After which you can create a personal account and login from anywhere.

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